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Why Is A Healthy State Of Physical Wellbeing Important?


All things in the human body are connected; and as your physical health increases so does your experience of wellness across many of the other dimensions of wellbeing. A balance of mindfulness, exercise, sufficient sleep, periods of recovery or relaxation and good nutrition are the keys support your physical ability to do the things you need to in your life. Most of us are pretty aware of what is important in the area of physical wellbeing. Nonetheless implementing what we “should” be doing in this area can be challenging.


Mindfulness is the first step to improving physical wellbeing

Thoughts shape actions, and are the catalyst for change. Physical wellbeing is achieved in the mind long before it is seen and felt in the body; and becoming mindful of your thought patterns and behaviours is imperative to improving your health. It can be difficult to identify limiting thought patterns and beliefs on one’s own, as our psychologists know well. Part of their job is to assist you to work out how your thoughts, feelings and actions impact your physical and mental wellbeing.


Live an active lifestyle

Gyms are a great fit for some people’s personalities; but others find non-gym workouts to
be far more enjoyable and sustainable. The key to keeping active is to find the right form of exercise for you’ one that supports your lifestyle and personality. For some; yoga is a gateway to mindfulness and inner peace, while others may prefer activities such as boxing or martial arts.

It’s important to learn how to become active on a regular basis, as exercise not only improves physical wellbeing; it also improves emotional, mental, and intellectual wellbeing. Norman Doidge is the author of The Brain’s Way of Healing and he notes that the simple act of walking boosts HGH, or Human Growth Hormone. This improves the capacity to learn, reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer’s and Dementia, and aids mental health conditions. A release of endorphins elevates and balances mood, and is helpful for managing anxiety, depression, and bipolar disorder.


The role of nutrition and healthy eating

Emerging research has shown that your diet has a huge impact on the brain. And it can influence mental wellbeing through the gut-brain connection. Symptoms of anxiety, depression, and other mental health disorders can be improved through a change in diet; often starting with a reduction in sugar consumption and eliminating other possible triggers.

There are many services that may be available to assist with healthy eating. As a first step, you may consider attending with your doctor or seeing a dietician.

Check out the blog below for some amazing food ideas:



Sleep and mental health

Sleep (or more precisely lack of sleep) impacts your physical and mental wellbeing. Experiencing depressive or anxious mood states impact your ability to get restorative sleep.

Insomnia, difficulty getting to sleep, night waking and/or early rising is common in those who have been diagnosed with depression or anxiety. Often sleep difficulties resolve themselves when your anxious or depressive mood state lifts.

Trouble sleeping can be a distressing and frustrating experience. Good sleep hygiene can help in many cases. See the link below for more information on developing good sleep habits.


Clients have found that progressive relaxation techniques or mindfulness/meditation can also help them get to sleep more quickly. A combination of mindset, exercise, and good nutrition is generally seen as the basis for healthy physical wellbeing, and is something our therapists and counsellors support.


Physical illness

Illness can affect our physical wellbeing in many forms and often require attention and treatment from ourselves and professionals in the health sector. Many diseases such as diabetes, obesity and autoimmune disorders can be helped through a change in diet.

Your doctor is a great resource for anything related to your physical health. They can also refer you to a dietician if it is required.

Our psychologists and counsellors can help clients understand the role of emotion, unhelpful thinking and behaviour in relation to physical wellbeing.


Wellbeing Therapy Space’s local and online counselling service is here to help. Please contact us at info@wellbeingtherapysapce.com.au or call us on 1300 208 680.


Authors: Rebecca Dallard and Tijana Triunovich

Photo by Neonbrand of Unsplash