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Grief and Loss

Grief and Loss Explained


Grief is a normal response to loss. It can be described as the profound sadness you feel when somebody or anything you love or care about is lost. The greater the loss, the more intense your grief is very likely to be. Many individuals experience despair with the passing of a loved one (which generally causes the most extreme distress), but in fact, grief may be brought on by any loss.

Grief may be expressed in a variety of ways and may affect all parts of your daily life, such as your own emotions, thoughts, bodily health, sense of self and individuality as well as your relationships with other people.

There’s not any set pattern to this sadness and everybody experiences grief differently. Grief may last for months or years and may leave you feeling depressed, angry, stressed, regretful, overwhelmed, isolated, irritable or numb.


Grief isn’t an illness.


When we lose someone or something that’s significant to us, it may take time to adapt. To learn how to live with the absence of that which you lost. Dealing with grief can take several forms and there’s not any ideal way or wrong way. It may take plenty of support and time to heal.

  • Loss affects individuals in various ways, but a few common reactions include:
  • Frequent yelling or outbursts
  • Shock or tingling
  • Stress and confusion
  • Anger and/or guilt
  • Loneliness or isolation
  • Physical health issues or fatigue
  • Increased alcohol, smoking or drug use
  • Tension or issues with personal connections


Grieving is an individual experience, and also how you grieve is dependent upon a number of aspects. Almost any feelings during the first phases of grief are normal. You can find ways to support yourself while dealing with your loss.


Ways to help yourself.

  • Grief takes some time to work through.
  • Give yourself time – practice self compassion
  • Treat yourself
  • Postpone important life choices
  • Discuss your emotions
  • Accept help


When to seek Expert help

If over time, you’re not feeling any better, or you’re feeling worse, it may be an indication that you would benefit from seeking professional assistance.


Do you need help coping with grief & loss?

Make the first step…

At Wellbeing Therapy Space, we can assist you to deal with loss and grief and help you move towards acceptance. If you, or someone you know, is having difficulty coping with grief get in touch with us today via email at info@wellbeingtherapyspace.com.au.