6118 6558 | SMS: 0480285058
Directions to Our Coolbellup Practice




 Getting To Our Practice:

Please note that Wellbeing Therapy Space & Present Moment Psychology (Coolbellup) are located in the same safe space:

Address: Shop 25 / 78 Coolbellup Avenue, Coolbellup, Perth, WA 6163

The practice is currently signposted as Present Moment Psychology which is located outside of the shopping centre and opposite the child care centre playground. See images below:






To reschedule your appointment, feel free to rebook online here:






Location Of Present Moment Psychology -- See Wellbeing Therapy Space Map

Wellbeing Therapy Space & Present Moment Psychology are located in the same safe space:

Address: Shop 25 / 78 Coolbellup Avenue, Coolbellup, Perth, WA 6163 



What can I expect?

It is recommended that you come exactly on time, knock on the front door and your therapist will come and get you.  You will be required to fill in a ‘Client Registration Form’ when you attend your first appointment with a psychologist at Wellbeing Therapy Space, unless you chose to complete this online prior to your first session.

Please bring your Mental Health Care Plan (referral) where applicable and your Medicare Card. 

Payment options are different depending on which therapist you attend with, most can accept direct deposit, EFTPOS or Credit Card payments on the day.

Each therapist may take a slightly different approach on the initial session. However, in general you can expect to discuss your presenting issue, what you would like from each session and from therapy in general. The psychologist may also request that you complete an assessment or take a brief history. You will likely work together to determine what should be achievable for you out of therapy.

Most clients tend to experience therapy as a very supportive experience and, sometimes, uncomfortable and personally challenging. This is part of the reason we request that 48 hours’ notice is given for cancellation as it can encourage you to confront difficult issues you may otherwise seek to avoid.

Rescheduling Your Appointment




To reschedule your appointment, feel free to rebook online here:



If you cannot find a suitable time text Rebecca on 0480 285 058. It is possible that there may be availability not posted online.




 Warm Regards,

Rebecca Dallard
Principal Psychologist
Present Moment Psychology | Wellbeing Therapy Space

TEXT: 0480 285 058


We acknowledge the Traditional Owners, Custodians and Elders past and present of the Whadjuk people of the Noongar nation, on whose lands we work.


General pricing guide


For information on fees related to our psychologists, counsellors and health practitioners please contact them directly via our website practitioner page



What’s the deal with Medicare rebates?
All psychologists at the practice are all registered with Medicare. This means that you may be eligible for a partial rebate for the cost of your session from Medicare. Your medical practitioner will need to complete and prepare a Mental Health Care Plan (MHCP) before referring you to a psychologist. Your MHCP and referral letter will need to be provided to your psychologist when you attend at your first appointment. This will entitle you a set number of sessions as dictated by your doctor and noted on the plan. In most instances, this is an initial 6 sessions. After you have attended for 6 sessions your psychologist will provide a written update to your GP. To obtain further sessions you will need to be reviewed by your GP, who will determine your eligibility for a further 4 sessions. Without this review any claim made to Medicare will not be processed.

You are eligible for a Medicare rebate where you need a structured approach to your mental health across several different disorders typically seen at this practice including (but not limited to):

  • Anxiety
  • Panic disorder
  • Depression
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Adjustment disorder
  • Sleep problems
  • Bereavement disorders
  • Unexplained somatic complaints
  • Eating Disorder
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Mental disorder, not otherwise specified

The number of sessions you are entitled to is calculated per calendar year (Jan to Dec). For example, if your doctor refers you in August and you use all your sessions by November you are entitled to another 10 the following January. Be aware that any unused sessions not used in the calendar year will be forfeited.

Private or self-referred clients do not need a referral from their GP to attend with a psychologist.

Private Health Rebates?
You may be able to claim a rebate from your private health fund if you attend with a psychologist at the practice and if you have extras cover. We recommend that you contact your fund to determine your eligibility and how much you will get back as the rebate varies depending on your level of cover.
Who typically goes to therapy?




Lots of different types of people go to therapy for a range of different reasons. People of all ages, socio-economic, ethnic and religious backgrounds attend for therapy. They may want psychological pain relief, or are dealing with a life crisis, they may be struggling with a relationship or being bullied at work. They may also be interested in personal development and growing their level of self-awareness or improving their communication skills.

Wellbeing Therapy Space believes that taking the step to develop new skills and gain insight via therapy can be courageous. Particularly, if you happen to be around people of the “suck it up princess” or “just get over it” frame of thinking.

Therapy is not just for those with a mental illness or a major life challenge. Counselling can assist you uncover the ways you stop yourself get what you want in life… the things you do unconsciously and out of awareness. Many therapists attend for therapy themselves and find it an incredibly enriching and valuable experience.

How long do I have to be in therapy for?

Well, for however long you like really….

The number of sessions you require depends on what you are attending therapy for (your presenting issue) as well as other external and personal factors unique to you. For example, sessions with therapist taking a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy approach to treat depression can vary, but typically this is anywhere from 4 to 24 weekly sessions.

Some clients attend regular therapy (say once a month) over the course of many years as part of an ongoing commitment to self-awareness and personal growth. They also may attend to maintain gains made in therapy and as part of making their mental wellbeing a priority.

How long is a session?




Sessions typically go for 50 minutes for individual counselling work and 50 – 110 minutes for couples as agreed on the day. Ten minutes is allocated to taking payment, rebooking and other required administrative tasks.

Can I use my existing Mental Health Care Plan with a different psychologist at Wellbeing Therapy Space or at another practice?
Yes, if you still have sessions available for the calendar year. It is requested that you obtain a referral from your GP to accompany your existing plan. Please make sure that referral stipulates how many sessions you have had with your previous psychologist.
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